FLFC Annual Report



The First Look for Charity Foundation is organized to operate exclusively for charitable purposes. The Foundation sponsors, maintains, manages and controls the First Look for Charity gala prior to each year’s Chicago Auto Show. Funds raised by the event are distributed to various charitable organizations in the Chicago area.

After missing 2021 due to the pandemic, the Chicago Auto Show’s benevolent event raised $1.5 million in 2022 to benefit 17 Chicago area nonprofits. In 30 editions dating to 1992, First Look for Charity has raised more than $58 million for various Chicago area charitable organizations. 

The participating charities are responsible for several shared expenses, largely from the costs to produce and mail printed ticket solicitation materials. Each expense share for the 2022 event was $3,124.

Catering for the event at McCormick Place cost more than $337,000, a charge settled almost entirely by the event’s producer, the Chicago Automobile Trade Association.  That enables the charities to retain more of the money they raise from First Look for Charity.


First Look for Charity operates fundraising in connection with the Chicago Auto Show and gives away one or two donated vehicles at each edition, with all proceeds going to charities located in metropolitan Chicago. The various manufacturers give the vehicle(s) to the event each year. The organization’s source of financial support is the charge for admission tickets, which in 2022 were $275 each.

The foundation receives certain services from the Chicago Automobile Trade Association, a related party through a common board of directors. The Association provides administrative services and also provides catering for the charity night event at the Chicago Auto Show.  All staff time is donated to First Look for Charity by the CATA and all the time spent by the members of the CATA Board of Directors is volunteered by them.

Participating charities are the 100 Club of Illinois, Advocate Health Care, the ALS Association Greater Chicago Chapter, Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago, and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago.
Also, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet, Glenwood Academy, Habitat for Humanity, Susan G. Komen Chicago, the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, and Lydia Home & Safe Families for Children. And, Misericordia, New Star, Special Olympics Illinois, Turning Pointe Autism Foundation, and the Jesse White Tumbling Team.  An 18th charity chose not to begin its participation due to the effects of the pandemic.

Picture5Final plans are being made for the event in 2023 and tickets sales have begun.  All indications are good for another successful First Look for Charity.

Administrative expenses $0
Total income $1,977,867
Program expense $1,505,886
Fundraising expense $471,981
end-of-year net assets $20,984

2022-2023 Board of Directors

JC Phelan, Chairman
Kelly Webb Roberts, Vice Chairwoman
Jason Roberts, Treasurer
Ryan Kelly, Secretary
Kevin Keefe, Auto Show Chairman
Jennifer Morand, Co-President
Dave Sloan, Co-President
Emir Abinion
John Crane
Jerry Haggerty
Dan Heller
Fred Marks
Dan Marquardt
Steve Phillipos
Richard Wickstrom


Click here to view The First Look for Charity’s IRS Form 990.

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