360 Revo Returns to Chicago Auto Show to Provide Consumers With a Virtual Experience
360 Revo Returns to Chicago Auto Show to Provide Consumers With a Virtual Experience
CHICAGO (Feb. 14, 2017) - The interactive media company 360° Revo, in conjunction with the Chicago Automobile Trade Association (CATA), have produced an interactive tour of the 2017 Chicago Auto Show for car enthusiasts worldwide to experience. Visitors to the Chicago Auto Show website will be able to go virtually inside and outside specific vehicles that are featured at this year's show. 360° Revo has produced these tours every year since 2012 for the CATA.
Dave Sloan, CATA president and Chicago Auto Show general manger, believes this relationship is one that benefits auto show attendees and exhibitors. "The Chicago Auto Show has long felt that it's important to extend the value of the show to our exhibitors beyond the show dates and this relationship with 360° Revo makes that possible," said Sloan. "It also brings the show into the homes of millions of online visitors."
New for 2017, 360° Revo is taking advantage of Facebook's 360 panoramic viewing capability and posting all the vehicles captured in 360 onto Facebook. This allows any viewer with a Facebook account the ability to view the 360's on their news feed. Gyroscope technology is now included in all of the 360 tours.
"I am excited to once again be a part of this year's Chicago Auto Show," said Steve Clarke, CEO of 360° Revo. "We spun dozens of vehicles and took more than a few thousand photos this year, and to be able to shoot the auto show continues to be a great experience for my team and me. We offer this same technology to dealerships nationwide and the response has been overwhelming, the 360 is a monumental step forward in marketing their vehicles." said Clarke.
The interactive tour by 360° Revo for the Chicago Auto Show went live at www.chicagoautoshow.com on February 21, 2017. The 360 Tour remains on the front page of the Chicago Auto Show website year round.
Visit twitter.com/360revo to see examples of the technology.
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