Chicago Auto Show Blog

(FACE)book the TRUTH

Posted by: Jennifer Ferm

If you think MySpace refers to your own personal space or Twitter is some kind of a strange verb, then you probably should’ve grown up in the 1800s. We’re in an age where the word “Facebook” is used as a verb (as in “Facebook me later!”) and where your own pet probably has his own blog. Yes, we have entered an age of new media.

About two months ago, I created a Facebook fan page for the Chicago Auto Show. In an effort to reach a different type of audience, the Facebook group was crafted to target fans of all ages to get them “revved up” for the 2009 Chicago Auto Show. The efforts have paid off, since we currently have more than 900 fans in the group—and the group was only created mere months ago!

Did we mention that members get advantages? Yes, if you’re a member of the Official Chicago Auto Show Facebook Group, you can expect exclusive information before it reaches the general public, chances (endless, it seems) to receive free tickets to the show, a place to chat with other car/Chicago Auto Show fanatics and access to the most up-to-date info on the show. Oh, it pays to be a member of the group.

The most common reaction from members of the group is: “I’ve never been in a Facebook group that is so interactive!” For those of you Facebookers, I’m sure you can relate. Usually when confronted with a request to join a group, you accept the invitation and never look at the group again. The Chicago Auto Show group, however, has a new contest almost every week for a chance to win free tickets. Our latest contest is called “Photo Caption Contest.” Derived from the RedEye “Caption of the Week” contest, we posted a unique Chicago Auto Show picture and asked members to post a corresponding caption with the photo. Previous contests with ticket giveaways have included posting the best Chicago Auto Show video, the best photo, or even recruiting 10 friends to join the group.

So, the next time you’re wasting time perusing Facebook, think of this post and “Facebook” us (yes, I just used “Facebook” as a verb) by searching for “Official Chicago Auto Show Group” and join in on the social media craze. (/multimedia/Facebook.asp)

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